2022-23 Financial Year Impact Round-Up

Magic Bus 2022/23 Impact Round-Up

2022/23 was a year of growth for Magic Bus as we continued to move on from the impact of COVID-19, help children and young people to recover from the economic and social effects of the Pandemic, and continued to reach out to more marginalised children and young people in need of support.

As of March of this year, Magic Bus is now working with over 475,000 children living in poverty all over India, using our special activity and mentoring based sessions to equip them with the skills, confidence, and support they to face life’s challenges and to leave poverty behind. We’ve also begun partnering with India’s state governments to provide training to teachers, so that they can deliver Magic Bus sessions directly on the school playground. In February of this year, we started a partnership with the state government of Andhra Pradesh that will see around 1.8 million 11 to 18 year olds benefit from Magic Bus sessions in school over the next three years.

Discover more about how Magic Bus is making an impact in schools by hearing from Arun, a teacher in Maharashtra:

In addition to our increased support for marginalised children, the Magic Bus Livelihood Programme is having a major impact on the lives of young people living in poverty as well. Over the past financial year, Magic Bus has helped over 95,000 disadvantaged young people find stable jobs, including 600 young women during the week of International Women’s Day, alone.

By helping young people find stable jobs, the programme is having an significant impact that reverberates beyond the Livelihood Graduates themselves. Our analysis found that the average starting salary for a Magic Bus Livelihood Graduate is $200 a month, compared to the national average of just $25. As a result, our graduates are not only lifting themselves out of poverty, but their entire families as well.

This year, Magic Bus plans to grow even further, using government partnerships, technology and support from people like you to reach even more children and young people living in poverty in India. You can make a difference today by donating to Magic Bus UK, and helping a child to leave poverty behind.

Introducing the Magic Bus UK Giving Circles

Introducing the Magic Bus UK Giving Circles

We’re proud to introduce the Magic Bus UK Giving Circles, a new way to support our work by bringing together like-minded philanthropists and donors to provide targetted support, helping children and young people across India to leave poverty behind.

Members of each of the three circles: Childhood, Livelihood and Empowerment, will make a three year commitment to support Magic Bus, enabling our teams in India to plan for the future and ensure the sustainability of our programmes.

In return, members will recieve tailored updates, invitations to exclusive London events to meet their fellow supporters, and an opportunity to build relationships with the communities that they are supporting.

Contact Info

Address: Cawley Priory,
South Pallant, Chichester,
PO19 1SY

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