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an education

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The Magic Bus Childhood to Livelihood Programme supports and empowers children to complete their secondary education and develop essential life skills. We provide young people with the skills they need to fulfil their potential and find sustainable and stable employment.


The children and young people Magic Bus works with face challenges like child marriage, child labour, lack of access to education and employment. They simply do not have the opportunity to change their lives and achieve socio-economic success.

0 %
of adolescents cannot read basic texts
0 %
of the World's Child Brides live in India
0 %
of young people are unemployed


0 %
of adolescents on the Magic Bus programme complete secodary school, compared to a national average of 69%
0 %
of girls on the Magic Bus programme regularly attend school, compared to a national average of 57%
0 +
young people have been placed in secure, well-paid jobs

An important part of our approach is engaging with parents and the whole community to build support for the children and young people on our programme, and for their future aspirations. To date we have worked with over 1 million young people in the poorest communities across India. We have set an ambitious goal to reach 3 million children and young adults by 2027.

Together we can create a world where children break free of poverty and lead fulfilling, rewarding lives.



An Expedition to the Himalayas in Support of Magic Bus

An Expedition to the Himalayas We’re thrilled to share that Sanjiv Padmanabhan , Magic Bus UK’s new board member, is embarking on an incredible journey…
Read more


Our partners are from all over the world


Founder, Matthew Spacie, was awarded Social Entrepreneur of the Year by Business Standard.

Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puraskar for Promotion and development of Sports.

First Indian entity - and the only non-profit - to win Laureus Sport for Good Award.

Contact Info

Address: Cawley Priory,
South Pallant, Chichester,
PO19 1SY

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